Be a Part of Something Bigger!

Vuetify is made possible by an amazing community that submits issues, creates pull requests, and provides invaluable feedback. It is our job to enable you to create amazing applications. A lot of the time, you come across something that can be made better. Maybe you find a bug, or you have an idea for additional functionality. That's great! It's as easy as cloning the Vuetify repository to get started working in a development environment.

Reporting Issues

The issue list of this repo is exclusively for bug reports and feature requests. Non-conforming issues will be closed immediately.

For general questions, please join the community.

Try to search for your issue, it may have been answered.

See if the error is reproducible with the latest version.

If reproducible, please provide a simple codepen or repository that can be cloned to produce the expected behavior.

Please use the issue creator to create a new issue.

Dev Environment Pre-reqs

Vuetify contains a local dev environment that you can bootup to test new features, functionality, and components. Before you can get started however, there are a few things you will need to install that will assist you in managing the many aspects of vuetify.

Pre-req: Install Commitizen

The Vuetify team uses Commitizen for all repository commits. This allows for easy to read and organized commits with minimal change to normal commit functions. To get started install Commitizen globally using npm:

Sometimes creating .czrc wont work using cmd, if you get unexpected results, try creating the file in your home directory using VS Code

Congrats! Commitizen is installed! When you do commits, add your files like normal and replace git commit -m "your message" with git cz and follow the prompts.

See "Commit Guidelines w/Commitizen" below for commit guidelines

Install PM2 (optional)

If you choose, you can use PM2 to run and manage multiple portions of the Vuetify mono-repo at the same time (Playground, Docs, Etc...) Included in the root directory are a few PM2 config files which will boot up and manage all that Vuetify has to offer. To get started you need to start PM2:

Setup Dev Environment

Setting up your dev environment is easy! To start fork Vuetify into your own repo.

Now you are ready to boot up your dev environment!

Starting up dev environment

There are a few ways to startup the dev environments in Vuetify mono-repo:



To import pre-configured PM2 instance use the following

Here are some commands to use with PM2 to start/stop/restart instances

Currently there are only 2 major process names: vuetify (playground) and vuetify-docs

Commit Guidelines w/Commitizen

Commitizen provides a fluid interface for handling semantic versioning. This provides a great boilerplate making it easier to write patch notes.

All commits should use commitizen with the conventional-changelog as noted above. Commits should follow the format <type>: <subject> or <type>(scope): <subject>

Commit types

  • feat: Commits that result in a new features or functionalities. Backwards compatible features will release with the next MINOR whereas breaking changes will be in the next MAJOR. The body of a commit with breaking changes must begin with BREAKING CHANGE, followed by a description of how the API has changed.
  • fix: Commits that provide fixes for bugs within vuetify's codebase.
  • docs: Commits that provide updates to the docs.
  • style: Commits that do not affect how the code runs, these are simply changes to formatting.
  • refactor: Commits that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature.
  • perf: Commits that improve performance.
  • test: Commits that add missing or correct existing tests.
  • chore: Other commits that dont modify src or test files.
  • revert: Commits that revert previous commits.

Submitting Changes / Pull Requests

Before doing any commits, you will want to pull down the latest and greatest from dev. From here, merge, and resolve any conflicts between your branch and dev. Its a good rule of thumb to pull frequently as development is constantly happening.

In git, add all relevent files.

Commit with commitizen using the command git cz. From here you will follow through a series of props. Make sure to select the appropiate type (see Commit Guidelines w/Commitizen above)

Lastly, git push and open a pull request.

Pull Requests For Vuetify

Pull requests related to Vuetify: for bug fixes submit pull requests to master, for new features and breaking changes submit pull requests to dev.

Pull Requests For Docs

For any pull requests related to Vuetify docs, submit your pull request to the master branch.

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Vuetify 1 has reached EOL and is no longer actively maintained. Upgrade to Vuetify 2.