Quick start
Use one of the Vuetify Vue CLI packages (based on the official examples) to get your project started in no time. Vuetify supports SSR (server-side rendering), SPA (single page application), PWA (progressive web application) and standard HTML pages.
Warning: You are viewing documentation for Vuetify 1. For instructions on installing Vuetify 3, navigate to the Version 3 Installation Guide
Supported Browsers
Vuetify is a progressive framework that attempts to push web development to the next level. In order to best accomplish this task, some sacrifices had to be made in terms of support for older versions of Internet Explorer. This is not an exhaustive list of compatible browsers, but the main targeted ones.
New applications
Vue-CLI 3 is the next generation cli tool made to help you get started more easily than before. When you start your app with vue-cli you will also be able to get the official webpack updates and config changes, as well as Vuetify's updates without an arduous upgrade process.
For information on how to use Vue-CLI-3, visit the official documentation
Once the cli is installed, you can generate a new project scaffold. Select the default install unless you have specific packages that you need to include (e.g. vuex or vue-router). This will create a new Vue project that's ready to go with your selected options.
Tip: If you already have vue-cli installed, make sure you are on the latest version by typing vue --version into your cli.
Now that you have an instantiated project, you can add the Vuetify package using the cli.
This will provide you with a set of options for customizing your installation. The default preset has a-la-carte already enabled for you.
After installation simply run yarn serve or npm run serve to start your application.
Existing applications
To include Vuetify into an existing project, you must install its npm package. You can use either npm
or yarn
to accomplish this task. These are both package managers that allow you to control what resources are available in your application.
For a detailed explanation of how to get npm
running in your environment, check out the official documentation. Alternatively, if you wish to use yarn, you can find the official documentation here. Once setup, you can run either command from your command prompt.
Once Vuetify has been installed, navigate to your application's main entry point. In most cases this will be index.js
or main.js
. In this file you will import Vuetify and tell Vue to use it.
You will also need to include the Vuetify css file. Simply include the Vuetify css file in your index.html
or import the actual stylus file or the minified css.
Some components like the date picker use Material Icons. The easiest way to include them is to add a link
tag to your index.html
Alternatively use npm
or yarn
to install material-design-icons-iconfont
Warning: While Vuetify attempts to not cause any css collision as much as possible, there is no guarantee that your custom styles will not alter your experience when integrating this framework into your existing project.
Vue UI
Vuetify can also be installed using Vue UI, the new visual application for vue-cli-3. Ensure that you have the latest version of vue-cli installed and from your terminal type:
This will start the Vue User Interface and open a new window in your browser. On the left side of your screen, click on Plugins. Once navigated, simply search for Vuetify in the input field.
Install Vuetify Plugin
After installation, you will have the option to configure your application's default Vuetify settings.
Configure your Vuetify installation
CDN Install
To test using Vuetify.js without installing a template from Vue CLI, copy the code below into your index.html
. This will pull the latest version of Vue and Vuetify, allowing you to start playing with components. You can also use the Vuetify starter on codepen.
IE11 & Safari 9 support
Vuetify utilizes features of ES2015/2017 that require the need to use polyfills for Internet Explorer 11 and Safari 9/10. If you are using vue-cli-3, this is done automatically for you. Otherwise, in your project directory, you can install babel-polyfill
It is important to include the plugin as early as possible within your main index.js file. If using a Vuetify SSR package, this will apply to the client-entry.js file
It is recommended that you use babel-preset-env
with the corresponding polyfill to ensure only the necessary polyfills are added to your application. For more information on babel-present-env
, visit the documentation
Once installed, add the preset to your .babelrc
or babel.config.js
Unfortunately vue-cli-3 doesn't automatically bring IE11 compatibility in which you may encounter various errors (such as Symbol is not defined). To assist in resolving these errors you may need to manually add transpileDependencies
parameter in vue.config.js
Unfortunately vue-cli-3 doesn't automatically bring IE11 compatibility in which you may encounter various errors (such as Symbol is not defined). To assist in resolving these errors you may need to manually add transpileDependencies
parameter in vue.config.js
Due to Internet Explorer's limited support for <template>
tags, you must send fully compiled dom elements to the browser. This can be done by either building your Vue code in advance or by creating helper components to replace the dom elements. For instance, if sent directly to IE, this will fail: