El componente v-stepper
muestra el progreso en pasos numerados.
A stepper can be used for a multitude of scenarios, including shopping carts, record creation and more.
Coloca las etiquetas debajo del paso
Aplica la variante del tema dark
Aplica la variante del tema light
Permitir que el usuario brinque a cualquier paso
Controla la visibilidad
Muestra el paso verticalmente
Editable steps
An editable step can be selected by a user at any point and will navigate them to that step.
Non-editable steps
Non-editable steps force a user to process linearly through your process.
Optional steps
An optional step can be called out with sub-text.
Horizontal steps
Horizontal steppers move users along the x-axis through the defined steps.
Vertical steppers
Vertical steppers move users along the y-axis and otherwise work exactly the same as their horizontal counterpart.
Linear steppers
Linear steppers will always move a user through your defined path.
Non-linear steppers
Non-linear steppers allow the user to move through your process in whatever way they choose.
Alternate labels
Steppers also have an alternative label style which places the title under the step itself.
Multi-line error state
An error state can be displayed to notify the user of some action that must be taken.
Alternative label multi-line error state
The error state can also be applied to the alternative label style.
Vertical multi-line error state
The same state also applies to Vertical steppers.
Dynamic steps
Steppers can have their steps dynamically added or removed. If a currently active step is removed, be sure to account for this by changing the applied model.