La tipografía de una aplicación est tan importante como su funcionalidad. Vuetify.js utiliza la fuente del spec de Material Design: Roboto Font. Cada tamaño de encabezado también tiene una clase auxiliar para darle el mismo estilo a otros elementos.
Font sizes
Typography helper classes allow you to easily style text according to Material Design sizing.
- Good for<h1>
- Good for<h2>
- Good for<h3>
- Good for<h4>
- Good for<h5>
- Good for<h6>
- Good for supporting text.body-2
- Regular body text with additional weight.body-1
- Regular body text.caption
- Smaller size text
Light 112sp
Regular 56sp
Regular 45sp
Regular 34sp
Regular 24sp
Medium 20sp
Regular 16sp
Medium 14sp
Regular 14sp
Regular 12sp
Font weights
Material design supports 100, 300, 400, 500, 700, 900 font weights.
- Sets font-weight to 100.font-weight-light
- Sets font-weight to 300.font-weight-regular
- Sets font-weight to 400.font-weight-medium
- Sets font-weight to 500.font-weight-bold
- Sets font-weight to 700.font-weight-black
- Sets font-weight to 900
Text can also have an italic applied to it.
- Sets the font-style to italic
Roboto Thin
Roboto Light
Roboto Regular
Roboto Medium
Roboto Bold
Roboto Black
Roboto Thin Italic
Roboto Light Italic
Roboto Regular Italic
Roboto Medium Italic
Roboto Bold Italic
Roboto Black Italic
.font-weight-black.font-italicText transforms
Control the casing with a text transform.
- Sets text-transform to capitalize.text-lowercase
- Sets text-transform to lowercase.text-none
- Sets text-transform to none.text-uppercase
- Sets text-transform to uppercase
Text wrapping
Force text to not wrap or truncate it if its too long.
- Sets whitespace to no-wrap.text-truncate
- Truncates overflowed text